I am Michaela, the author of this blog. I mainly started this site to share stories and recipes of meals that I stumbled upon during my travels with friends and family that are scattered all over the globe.

I am also currently a PhD student at ETH Zurich, where I study human factors in explainable artificial intelligence (XAI). I believe AI awareness and literacy are key in a world that is increasingly techno-centric, hence I use part of this blog as an outlet to share insights into some of the AIs we encounter in day-to-day life and what happens behind the surface. And since I love to research, I try to infuse each story with some interesting facts as well.

As currently there is not so much going on in life, given Covid times, I will add old travel stories, recipes, and AI-related content on a regular basis, so stay tuned! Once travelling (or life in general) is finally a thing again, I will start adding posts on new happenings.

Happy reading!